Archive for category Questions and Answers

D. Noblet (Special)


I have a question you might be able to answer for me.  I’m restoring an older D.Noblet clarinet  SN 48020.  The question: it is marked above the Noblet stamp on the top joint ‘Special’.  I haven’t ever in 50 years seen this Noblet model.  Have you ever restored/repaired a Noblet Special?  If so, what did you think about the clarinet.  The wood on this clarinet is absolutely beautiful.  And one more thing about this clarinet, it has a plastic bell, also with the D.Noblet stamp.


Your Questions and Answers

First off, let me apologize for not getting back to the numerous emails I have received over the past several months.   I had some issues with my email that have now been resolved.  I also had some other things come up that took me away from the business for a period.  Well, I am now back and I hope that this part The 18th Key will allow me a better way to communicate with you. 

As I receive emails, I will post them to this page and answer them.  If I can not, I have other colleagues across the country who may also be able to help.